Pre-Production Status Report
This has been a busy week completing building my animation studio.
I also finished cutting out 20 individual silhouettes of all my character for my story.
Testing various light sources, building a special camera stand to hold my IPHONE 12 and taking several test photographs.
On Monday, 23 Nov 2020, I plan to start filming my story and by Wednesday, 25 Nov 2020, I plan to start post-production on my story in Adobe Premier Pro.
My goal is to have my short video completed by Sunday, 29 Nov 2020.
Here are several Pre-Production Photographs on my progress to make the video, "Trial of Paris".
My home made Animation Studio
My Animation Table Light source, 500 watt Portable Camera Light
My Story Boards and Cutting mat.
Test Shots of my Silhouette's on my light table
Test Shots of my Silhouette's on my light table
Examples of my silhouette's characters
Examples of my silhouette's characters
Examples of my silhouette's characters
Examples of my silhouette's characters
Examples of my silhouette's characters