Video Art is the next stage of evolution of modern art
. Early pioneers of this art were Nam June Paik and Andy Warhol. Nam June Paik is an artist pioneer and a true inspiration to me. I agree with your statement that TV sculptures come to my mind when I think of De Bolla’s ideas of “size” and “scale”.
My favorite Paik's art piece that represents “scale” is “Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii”, on permanent display at the Lincoln Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. It is a monumental piece of custom electronics, neon lighting, steel and wood, color, and, sound. Every time I go to the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I must see this piece and vast in its electronic glory.
I agreed with "Scale" of “Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii” it takes the viewer out of their mind and into the piece itself. I agree with Mr. Paik’s statement on this piece that the flashing images “seen as though from a passing car” with audio clips from The Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma, and other screen gems, suggesting that our picture of America has always been influenced by film and television (Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii). The one thing that make me sad about this artwork is that many of the CRT screens have broken down and they have been replaced by modern day flat screens. So, I never will be able to see this art piece in its original form.

“Busting the Tube: A brief History of Video Art” by Kate Horsfield is one of the best articles I have read about the history of Video Art. One of my favorites is John Baldessari 1972 Video Art piece, “John Baldessari Sings LeWitt”, 1972. It is funny and an excellent critique of the artist Sol LeWitt.
Cinephile Spring 2012, Vol.8 No. 1: The Voice -Over is an excellent collection of articles on the use of voice over in cinema. My favorite article was Sarah Kozloff, “About a Clueless Boy and Girl Voice-Over in Romantic Comedy Today”. This article reminded me of the open scene in the film classic “Sunset Boulevard”, where the main character, (who is dead in a pool), Joe Gillis, set up the narrative for the entire movie and prepares the audience on what happened to Joe Gillis to get him shot in the back and dead in a swimming pool.

Works Cited
Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii. 9 September 2020. 9 September 2020. <>.